Birdwood Primary School
From the Principal

I would like to warmly welcome you and your family to Birdwood Primary School. Our school works to provide a rich, engaging and rewarding education for our children from Reception to Year 6. We have developed flexible, inclusive classrooms to ensure we meet the learning styles and needs of all students and our teachers effectively differentiate to meet individual learning needs. The partnership between the parents, staff and children is paramount to provide the best possible educational opportunities for students and we actively encourage open and honest communication. By working in partnership we can best assist our children in their intellectual, physical, social and emotional development.
Brodie Taplin
At Birdwood Primary School we strive to:
- Provide a challenging and engaging education for all students for their present time of life as well as for their future benefit.
- Provide a happy, secure and safe environment.
- Provide a creative and stimulating programme which encourages children and teachers to strive for excellence.
- Provide successful experiences for each child.
- Ensure that students gain an understanding and appreciation of different cultures and ethnic groups with emphasis being placed on respect, responsibility and resilience.
- Provide students with the qualities and attributes of a lifelong learner.
We believe:
- That the interaction between teacher and child is at the heart of schooling.
- Close cooperation between home and school is vital.
- Teachers complement parents but do not take their place.
- All children should be encouraged to problem solve, challenge themselves, demonstrate resilience and work to the best of their ability.
Our Staff
Principal Brodie Taplin
Deputy Principal Michelle Othams
Reception Georgie Bittner
Reception / Year 1 Kerry Homer / Lou Hanna
Year 1/2 Elisa Stalker
Year 2/3 Ms De-arne
Year 3/4 Julie Erwin
Year 4/5 Kathy Hodgson / Lisa Herrmann
Year 5/6 Laura Pain
Year 5/6 Jorja Rayner
Resource / SAKG Sue Green
The Arts/PE Jodi Foster
Japanese Lou Hanna
Pastoral Care Julie Randall
Finance Manager Leanne Sleader
Front Office Ali Topham
Kitchen Specialist / Librarian Sue Green
Grounds Person John Varney
Garden Specialist Melissa Rosenberg
Student Support
Madi Trainor
Yvette Knight
Leanne Sleader
Leigh Black
Emily Hodgson
Kylie Wachtel
Acting Director – Hayley Walter-Bridges